Many people who are wanting to make money would like to do so from the comfort of their own home. The prospect of being your own boss or not having hours is quite nice. What few understand though is when you are trying to earn enough from home to make a full time income in the first few years you will be expected to work harder than any real job you have had. The hours of a new business owner are extremely long compared to the hours of someone working forty hours per week. I personally spend up to a hundred hours weekly on my online business constantly trying to increase income. This is of course my personal road to working at home full time you may not need to spend nearly as much time. If you are wanting to begin working from home full time one of the best ways is to begin an affiliate marketing business. This is when you create a presence, market the presence, and sale other peoples stuff for a commission. The reason this is better than many of the other monetization techniques out on the web is for a sole person actually creating a product may be a issue.
To begin you should create a website. There are many hosts out on the web that will host your site for free or for a small charge. The free hosts you should check out include,, and To create the website on a regular host such as you will need to learn HTML or by a what you see is what you get website creator. HTML is one of the easiest codes to learn and if you would like to do so I recommend heading over to w3schools and running through the free tutorials. It will also be important to pick a topic for your presence. This will decide the amount of income and traffic you can generate with a website. The more popular the topic the more traffic volume, but also higher traffic will mean higher competition. For a beginning business start with something small.
Once you have your website up you will need to monetize the traffic that comes. Like I said earlier affiliate marketing is one of the best monetization techniques a new webmaster can use. One of the best things about affiliate marketing is almost all major websites have affiliate programs. Some of the ones you may have already heard of and should check into include,, and These are not all the affiliate programs possible and it is a good idea to also look for some of the smaller websites since they will offer higher commissions. My personal favorite type of affiliate marketing is paid to take surveys because they allow the visitor to join free and make money. You will actually be paid from the work that they do for the survey website.