There are many ways you can begin creating an income from home. One notion you should get out of your head though is thinking you can just jump in and begin making a full time income from the first day. If you are able to make money online it will not be enough to sit at home full time. For the first year or two a real job will be necessary. Work at a real job while learning what you are doing online. Once you have an income you feel wont dip and is high enough to support you it is time to consider working from home full time. If you are able to maintain your websites numbers and income while working at a real job then my recommendation of course would be to get the income from both.
The determining factor for your online income will be the amount of free web traffic you can generate. The more traffic will create more income as long as your website is monetized properly. When setting up your business do not overwhelm the visitor with monetization links or ads. You want them to be able to quickly find what they came to your website for. If your website becomes known as a helpful quality place then word will spread and you will receive more and more traffic. Split your page up centering your main content in the center and the monetization links on the right or left. A banner on the top of your site if it does not look tacky is good for monetization. One important thing to think about is the overall look of your website. The more appealing the more chance you have of visitors not immediately clicking off once they arrive.
Now you have your website up and running you should be ready for internet marketing. To succeed online you will need an internet marketing campaign and be willing to stick with it for an extended period of time. I highly recommend creating content on a daily basis because this will not only build you links, but also help promote you as an expert. Publish the content on your presence first then on the top article directories. These sites have huge amounts of traffic and will offer your online business visitors for an unending amount of time. When you create links with articles when people come and read the article if they like what they read they will be likely to click on your links in the resource. With the article you have already begun building trust between your companies brand and the potential customer. Article marketing is of course not the only means of marketing a website. For those that are really wanting to succeed online I recommend learning everything you can about search engine optimization. To learn this one of the best places is
If you are looking for some monetization techniques some of the highest paying include get paid to take surveys.